At Rachana education is not so much about acquiring the three “R’s”, or about amassing knowledge, or
about equipping oneself for better employment opportunities but more so about working towards
refining oneself.
We believe that to work at knowing, at understanding and at sensitizing oneself towards the people and
the world around us is the true goal of education. For me a true Rachanite is a complete person, one
who works towards making himself or herself a responsible citizen of this world and one who
contributes constructively to making the world a better place to live.
A blend of the best of two worlds-the old and the modern- Rachana upholds the deep philosophy of a balance between technology and a connect with nature. Advocating the holistic approach to education, we believe to work at knowing, understanding and sensitizing oneself towards people and theworld around us, thereby turning out a true Rachanite who is a complete person making himself or herself a global citizen. We endeavour to sculpt children who contribute constructively in making the world a better place in keeping with our age-old philosophy of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’.
RACHANA - the name itself has a special significance. Keeping up to its name RACHANA has always been growing, experimenting, trying to solve problems in different ways and hence is not shackled by fixed traditions and ideas.