What has Rachana Been up to?
Scouts and Guide
The year 2013 saw the launch of a new program,Scouts and Guide, for students of Std VI. The inclusion of this character development program goes beyond the conventional educational system, helping children in their holistic growth and development. It aims at training children to be self-reliant, self-disciplined, cheerful, and considerate towards others with a sense of duty and patriotism. It prepares them to be responsible citizens.This year too various activities were held as a part of this program. Bharat Scouts and Guides, Sopan II training camp was held at Mt. Abu. The scouts participated in the various activities and won several awards. The scouts were awarded medals for their active participation during the camp.
Money Spinners
This year too the students of standard VII had organized a Fun and Fair event, as a part of their Maths Lab activity. The aim was to clear the concept of Profit and Loss by preparing and selling snacks. They discussed all the aspects of starting a business and calculated the cost of each food item. After deciding the profit percentage they wished to take, they calculated the selling price.Aspiring Footballers
The Football Coaching Camp for the young footballers of Rachana School continued this year too. The students learned various football skills during their camp.Regional Summit Award
A team comprising of Parth Shah, Deep Surti,Aathira Nair and Milli Shah of Std IXA won the second prize in the Global Health School Exhibition held at the Regional Summit in Jaipur. Whilethe team qualified the International Summit to be held at Delhi, Aathira Nair won the third prize in the Wellness Elocution.They were accompanied by AlkaKapoor.Later, the team won a meritorious award for the Thematic Jingle Competition at the Second International Life Skills, Values, Gender, School Health and Well Being held at Delhi. They also won an award for meritorious performance in the Global School Health Exhibition. 187 schools had participated in the Summit.
* CEE Ka Bioscope
The Sustainable School Program of the CEE, Ahmedabad is an autonomous institute supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi. It provides an opportunity for the schools – principals, teachers and students to take sustainability action. 'Environment' has been an important part of all the subjects that are taught to the students. This year too Rachana School joined hands with the 'Centre for Environment Education Ahmedabad' to make the entire learning program more effective and enjoyable. The students of Std VII to IX, with the support of their teachers, conducted environment related activities* Book Fair
The Ayush Publication Book Fair was held in the school premises for three days(5th, 6th and7th Dec.'2013)during the year 2013-14. It elicited a very good response from students and parents both, which goes on to prove that luckily the age old tradition of reading books still has a strong hold on the younger generation.* Heritage Walk
This year too the students Students of Std IX went for a Heritage Walk in the old city of Ahmedabad to explore the ancient culture. This unique and pleasant experience became more relevant as Ahmedabad is all set to attain the status of World Heritage City.* Seva Cafe:
Students of Std VIII, IX and X of Rachana School continued their volunteering led by their captains at Seva Cafe. Throughout their summer break the students worked as volunteers in groups of three. They washed vessels, volunteered in the kitchen and served food to the people. In the process the children not only imbibed the value of selfless service but also had a lot of fun.Female Foeticide
Students of Std X of Rachana School presented their project Female Foeticide on 25th and 26th November'2013. It was a multidisciplinary project.* Disaster Management
Rachana School organised a Disaster Management Training Program for StdIX and X on 28th October'2013. It was conducted by Mr.TrilokkumarThakar and Mr.HardikKotecha. Through this program of Search and Rescue, both students and staff gained the knowledge and confidence needed to respond to a life threatening situation.* Young Investors
Students of Std VIII to X attended a workshop on Banking and Investment organized by N J India InvvestmentPvt. Ltd at the school premises.A Career Move
A Career-counselling program was organized by AnandNiketan School Satellite on 4th October'2013. The students of Std. X and XII attended it. Knowledge Academi also gave a presentation on the same suject on 21st November'2013.The Happy Period
A Mother-Daughter School Program was organized by Procter & Gamble at the school premises on 19th of October'2013. The girl students of Std.VI and VII along with their mothers were invited to attend it.Newspapers in the curriculum
The "Newspaper in Education" program initiated by 'The Times of India' continued its efforts to promote the habit of reading the newspaper. Apart from reading, students have also used paper cuttings for various English and Social Science activities. The 'NIE' newspaper also includes contributions from students all over India. The Reporters appointed from Rachana School are: Aathira Nair (IX A)RitikSahay (IX A)
SaloniSonara (IX A)
JasikaChanchalani (IX B)
* UCMAS (Compulsory) for all students of III-V
UCMAS is a program based on teaching children mental mathematics with the help of an abacus. It is coordinated by the UCMAS franchise of Ahmedabad. It has been a very successful program.Rachana School has been awarded the Best Franchise Award for the school Project for the year 2014-2015.* SCHOOL CABINET (2014-15)
School Captain - Anuj ShahVice Captain - Cheenar Shah
Earth House
Captain - Samyak Jain
Vice Captain - VaibhaviVerma
Water House
Captain - GopiShanker
Vice Captain - Sonal Kumar
Fire House
Captain - Priyal Jain
Vice Captain - Maitrey Kale
Wind House
Captain - Sapan Gupta
Vice Captain - Aathira Nair
* Field Trip.
• Students of Std V visited the Environmental Sanitation Institute at Sugad area on 27th and 28th November'2013 to develop the awareness regarding Environment. They were accompanied by their teachers Mrs Arunima and Mrs Manisha.• Students of Std V visited the Dada Hari-Ni-VavWadi'on 24thJuly'2013. It was a very enriching experience about rainwater harvesting system for them. They were accompanied by their teachers Mrs Arunima, Mrs Medh, Mrs Hemali and Mrs.Udayna.
• Students of Std VI along with their teachers Mrs.Manisha and Mrs. Maria visited a slum area on 23rd July'2013 to develop awareness and break prejudices and stereotypes about slum life.
• Students of Std. VI visited the LD Museum (LD institute of Indology) on 13th April' 2013 to get valuable input on the importance of archaeological and literary evidences.
• Students of Consumer Club along with their teacher Manan Shah visited the Shahibaug Police station on 3rdand 17thAugust'2013 as a part of their consumer club activity.
• Students of Std. VII visited the CEE Campus and Sundervan on 8th August 2013 as a part of their CEE program. They were accompanied by their teachers Mrs.TreezaBhagora and ReenaSachan.
• Scouts and Guides of Std. VII visited the ShardabenKantilal Desai ViklangVidhyamandir at Uvarshad, Gandhinagar, to celebrate the festival of Rakhi. The students were accompanied by their teachers Mrs.Ghosh, Mrs.Beena, Mr Rajendra, Mr.Divyesh, Mr.Pulkit and Ms. Kamal.
• Students of Std. VIII along with their teachers Mrs.Shravni and Ms.Komal visited the CEE Campus at Manekbaug on 24th July 2013 as a part of their CEE program.
• Students of StdVto VIII of Rachana School attended a workshop titled'The world Of Butterflies' conducted by Stemacek on 17th August'2013 at the Serenity Library.
• Fifteen students of Std V to VII participated in the Anti-polythene campaign at Shahpur on 25th October'2013 as a part of I Lead India Brigade ( an initiative by Times of India).They were accompanied by their teachers Mrs Arunima, Mrs.Sheetal, Mrs HemaliMrs.MariaandMrs.Manisha.
• Students of Std. VII and Std IX visited AMC Water Waste Treatment Plant, Pirana on 30th November'2013 and 7th December'2013 respectively as a part of their CEE program.They were accompanied by their teachers Mrs Arunima, Mrs.Meena Mrs Manisha and Mr.Manan.
• Teachers of Rachana School along with their principal Mrs.Ghosh went on an educational trip organized by CEE to Dunny Point (beytDwarka) from 27thto 29th Dec.
• Mrs.Manisha Singh and Leena Raj along with students of Rachana School Sanitation Club went on an educational trip to Environmental Sanitation Institute.
• Mrs.RatiAgrawal accompaniedstudentsofStd X-XIIofRachana School for UN Debate at CEE on 17th and 18th of July'2013.
* Educational Initiative
Educational Initiative conducted an above-level Asset test for 1500 academically gifted Std VII students in 2013. The top 393 students have been invited to participate in the duke Tip's three week residential Summer Studies Program. Aryan Sarvate of Std VIIA has been selected to attend the summer program to be held at the campus of O P Jindal Global University in New Delhi from 11th May to 31st May 2014. RiddhiRathod and ManalVithlani of Std VIIB, SahilBohra and Karan Thakker of Std VII A have also been selected for the Duke Tip's e-studies program while SwastishreeBajpai of Std VII A has been selected for the Independent Learning Program. EI also conducted a research with students of Std IXB which dealt with testing the understanding of surface areas and exponents.* The Detailed Assessment
Detailed Assessment was conducted this year too for students of Std V to VIII. It is a tool for Formative Assessment at the topic level, which aims at providing immediate feedback to teachers on the current level of student understanding on the topics taught in the class.* Building their asset (Educational Initiatives)
ASSET tests are held every year to help students, teachers and parents diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of students.* Nachiketa
Students of Std V, VI and VII, along with their English teachers, watched anHinglish drama, 'Nachiketa' organized by the theater group Pratibimb at the Town Hall on 15th December, 2013.*Canvas Competition
Bank of Baroda organized a Canvas Competition for the students of Rachana School. This unique drawing competition was a great opportunity to encourage as well as bring out the artist in Rachanites. 46 students were awarded a certificate of appreciation at this event.Green Teachers
A Green Teacher program under CEE (Nehru Foundation) is based on promoting awareness of environment, and inculcating it effectively in the curriculum. Ms.ReenaSachan successfully completed her program and was honoured with the `Silver Leaf Certificate'.