Rules at Rachana
Fee and Refund Policy:
Fees once paid will not be refundable.
All fees fixed by the school are to be paid according to the procedure and with the time limit set by the school.
A penalty of Rs 500/- will have to be paid if fees are not paid within the specified dates. Repeated non payment of fees on time will render the student liable for explusion from the school.
Fees are to be paid as per the Schedule given below.
Std I to X :
First Semester : Last week of March academic year
Second Semester: 1st week of October academic year.
Every student has to come to school on time.Guardians should see that children do not abstain themselves from school without taking previous leave. In case of an unforeseen circumstance, where previous leave is not obtained, the student on returning to school must have the reason for absence, certified by the guardian.
If a student is suffering from a contagious disease, he/she will not be allowed to attend school.
Fee and Refund Policy:
Fees once paid will not be refundable.
All fees fixed by the school are to be paid according to the procedure and with the time limit set by the school.
A penalty of Rs 500/- will have to be paid if fees are not paid within the specified dates. Repeated non payment of fees on time will render the student liable for explusion from the school.
Fees are to be paid as per the Schedule given below.
Std I to X :
First Semester : Last week of March academic year
Second Semester: 1st week of October academic year.
A student is expected to conduct himself or herself in a dignified manner in and out of the school. The students are expected not to damage school property, otherwise the guardians of the defaulting students will have to make good the damage. The school managements decision regarding the amount of damage will be binding on the student.Students should park their cycles at cycle stand.
If the library books are not returned in time, Re-1 per day will be charged. If any book is lost the student will have to replace the book.
Parental co-operation:
The students as well as the guardians will have to follow the school rules with regard to various activities,functions,experiments and projects introduced from time to time keeping in mind the students all-round progress.It is expected that the students bring simple and nutritious food to school.
If the School Leaving Certificate or Railway Concession Form is to be obtained an application should be submitted to the office one week in advance.
Parents wishing to consult the school authorities regarding problems of their wards should take prior appointment.
Though utmost care is taken the school is not responsible for any accident, mishap or injury that may occur in or around the school premises, while on field trips and picnics, while travelling to or from the school or any other school activitiesGeneral:
Conducting the school is the sole right of the school management and no other person will interfere in it.It is expected that the guardians avoid corporal punishment as such punishment is not meted out to the students in the school and can have adverse effects on the child.
The students will be allowed to participate in the activities of any educational, social or religious organisation. But if the policies and programmes of such boards or institution aim at spreading evil or violence or communalism they will not be allowed to join them. The right to determine the nature of the activities of such boards/institution will rest with the school management.
Preferential consideration for admission may be given to one more child only, if one child is already studying in the institution, because we believe in and intend to encourage family planning.
Final decision in any matter concerning the school will rest with the school authorities.